Moran's Junior Aquathon and Triathlon
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The Moran’s Junior Aquathlon & Triathlon in association with Pied Piper, is a fun sporting challenge which raises funds for two charities and is designed for children aged 8 to 16. The aquathlon comprises a swim in the heated main pool of the lido followed by a run around Sandford Park, whilst the Triathlon includes a cycle in the park in-between the swim and run.
The event is managed in partnership with Sandford Lido Ltd (Registered charity #1052203) and Pied Piper Appeal (Registered charity #1011611).
Click here to book the Junior Aquathlon
Click here to book the Junior Triathlon
Age categories:
TriStar Start (age 8) – born 2017
TriStar 1 (age 9-10) – born 2015 to 2016
TriStar 2 (age 11-12) – born 2013 to 2014
TriStar 3 (age 13-14) – born 2011 to 2012
Youth (age 15-16) – born 2009 to 2010
Age category shall be determined by age at 31 December in the year of competition in line with British Triathlon rules. Examples of age category:
a) A child who is currently 7 but turns 8 between the event and December is able to compete in Tristar Start group.
b) A child who is 10 but turns 11 between the event and December would compete in Tristar 2 group.
TriStar Start – Swim 54m, 1km Cycle & Run 500m
TriStar 1 – Swim 100m, 1.5km Cycle & Run 1km
TriStar 2 – Swim 200m, 3km Cycle & Run 1.5km
TriStar 3 – Swim 300m, 4.5km Cycle & Run 2.5km
Youth – Swim 400m, 6km Cycle & Run 3km
(excluding cycle for Aquathlon)
To participate in this event, you are required to become a member of British Triathlon and hold a race licence. You must either become a Core or Ultimate annual member here (www.britishtriathlon.org/join) or purchase a single use Race Pass for your race, Via this link https://www.britishtriathlon.org/events/moran%27s-junior-triathlon-aquathlon-2025-in-association-with-pied-piper_16033
A race pass costs £2 for participants under 24 years old and is £8 for those aged 24 years and above.
Contact details
Social links:
www.sandfordparkslido.org.ukEmail address:
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