How To Be Happy
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How To Be Happy on Sun 10th Oct 2021 2:30pm - 3:30pm at The Inkpot.
£6 *plus booking fee. Children under 12 must be accompanied by a ticket holding adult.
Purchase tickets here.
Recommended for ages 9+.
What makes you smile? How can you feel happier? And why does making someone else happy increase your own happiness? In this wellbeing-boosting event, The Week Junior’s editorial director Anna Bassi is joined by authors Cath Howe (How to Be Me), Anna McNuff (100 Adventures to Have Before You Grow Up) and Matthew Syed (You Are Awesome and Dare To Be You) to explore why feeling good is good for you. They’ll share tips and tricks for dealing with difficulties, explain how to practice being positive, and help you help yourself be happier.
Curated with The Week Junior.