Gloucestershire Family Awards
In November 2017, Cheltenham Rocks received a Highly Commended award in the category of Family Champion at the Gloucestershire Family Awards.
After starting the website in 2016 as a place for Cheltenham families to easily find things to do local to them, the social community and website visitors have grown beyond anything we could have imagined, with over 8000 followers on social media and tens of thousands of visitors to the website each month.
The main aim has always been to help families get the most out of their time together and try to take some of the stress out of family life.
Receiving this award was a huge boost in confidence and confirmation that we're on the right track. Thank you to the Cheltenham Rocks community of followers, contributors and users, every one of you helps to keep the site going.
Find out more about Cheltenham Rocks in the About section.
Browse for things to do with the family here.
Read the Gloucestershire Family Awards write-up from host and organiser, Kate Starkey here.
About the Gloucestershire Family Awards
Created by Kate Starkey, Cheltenham Maman and 2017 Digital Woman of the Year, the Gloucestershire Family Awards took place on Friday 17th November at Stonehouse Court. All proceeds from the Awards Ceremony will be going to Sue Ryder Leckhampton Court Hospice, a charity which supports thousands of families in Gloucestershire.
About Sue Ryder, the partner charity for the Gloucestershire Family Awards
We focus on providing person-centered care to help resolve complex physical or psychological problems for our patients whilst also supporting family, carers and close friends. We are the only specialist palliative care unit providing inpatient care in Gloucestershire, as well as providing day hospice and Hospice at Home services. We are housed in a stunning grade II listed Elizabethan manor house. Our care is available to people living across Gloucestershire.