Cheltenham Trust's New Programme for Under 5s
Mini Movers and Makers is the new activity programme for preschoolers in Cheltenham. There's lots to get little ones wiggling, jiggling, creating and exploring in these sessions for childen ages 5 and under.
Day: Mondays
Time: 9:30-10:30am
Venue: The Wilson
Cost: £5 per child
Age: Suitable for ages 5 and under
Become a part of the story like never before! A fun and sensory session bringing storytelling to life with creative and tactile activities.
Mini Gym (formerly Baby Gym - note new timings)
Tuesdays 9:15-10am, 10:15-11am
Wednesdays 9:15-10am
Venue: Leisure At Cheltenham
Cost: £4.10
Age: Suitable for ages 1-3
Spring into the Mini-Gym and start to develop your child's confidence with walking, balance and co-ordination.
In the Mini-Gym your toddler can jump to new heights whilst developing their social skills.
Tuesdays 11:15am-12pm
Venue: Leisure At Cheltenham
Cost: £5
Age: Suitable for ages 1-3
Jump, hop and bounce to the eclectic music collection. The music will stimulate your children to shake, wiggle and move in this new music and movement class, learning new gross motor skills.
Sense and Play
Day: Wednesday
Time: 11:15-12pm
Venue: Leisure At Cheltenham
Cost: £4 per session or £24 for 6 weeks
Age: Suitable from 3 months to 1 year.
Engage and develop your baby's senses through sound, light and touch; this session will encourage your baby to look to the wider environment with curiosity.
Mucky Playground
Day: Wednesday
Time: 10:15-11am
Venue: Leisure At Cheltenham
Cost: £4.10 per session
Age: 1-3 year olds
An engaging session for you and your child to get lost in natural play. This outside class will involve water, nature, mud and anything you can discover. Come along and get messy!
Day: Thursday
Time: 1:10-2:30pm
Venue: The Wilson
Cost: £5 per child
Age: 5 years and under
Nuture your mini-artisit's creativity with fun art activities exploring new textures, shapes and colours. Each week a new theme. Splash suits provided.
The Soft Play Party
Day: Friday
Time: 10:30-11:15am
Venue: Leisure At Cheltenham
Cost: £4.10 for 1-5 year olds, £2.10 to 6-12 month olds
Age: 6 months to 5 years
Dive right in to the regular Leisure At Soft Play Party with bouncy castle and stimulation circuit with plenty of fun and games. A weekly favourite at Leisure At.
Are you looking for inspiration of things to do in Cheltenham today? Visit the What's On Today page for ideas.
To stay up to day with the Cheltenham Trust's Mini Movers and Makers programme follow their Facebook page here