Cheltenham Rocks

Animal Magic - A Family Concert


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Date: June 30th
Time: 3pm start
📍 Town Hall, Cheltenham 

Come and join the Cheltenham Philharmonic for a relaxed afternoon of music, singing and fun. 

The orchestra are playing a programme of animal related music including the famous and scary theme from 'Jaws' and the beautiful "All God's Creatures" by Howard Blake (composer of The Snowman). The concert features the brilliant choirs of Archway School and the Churchdown School Academy.

Conductor : Stephen Belinfante
Leader : Sue Belinfante
Williams : Music from ‘JAWS’
Saint-Saens : Carnival of the Animals
Holter : Sounds of the Forest for Narrator & Orchestra
Blake : All God’s Creatures with special guests Archway School Choir and Churchdown School Academy Choir

Tickets are on sale now and are available via the Cheltenham Town Hall website -Click here

We'd love to see you there to join in an afternoon of Animal Magic

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