Cheltenham Rocks

CCP Emergency Food Appeal

Groups & Classes

During these strange and uncertain times, can you help CCP to provide for those most vulnerable in our community?

You can support by either donating money to the emergency food appeal or gifting much-needed items (list below)

Click for more information and to make a donation

We are looking to get emergency food share parcels out to those who need it most. Perhaps they are self isolating or struggling in a variety of different ways during these testing times.

If you or somebody you know is in need of an Emergency Food Share parcel, please visit the website to complete a form.

“The current situation is going to be difficult for us all. But we hope that the people and businesses of Gloucestershire will respond to our plea and help those less fortunate than themselves. We would be delighted to hear from anybody who can help us meet the inevitable increase in demand. We are also keen to work with other partner agencies who may have clients in need in much the same way that we work with them on our annual Christmas Hamper Scamper Appeal." Cordell Ray, CEO of CCP
